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Who's Who

Richard Mitchell-Lay
name: Richard Mitchell-Lay
age: 59 (physically, not mentally!)
where do you live: Larkhall
family: wife plus 4 sons
occupation: locksmith / h.g.v. driver
hobbies: Jolly B's (www.thejollybs.co.uk) and singing
what do you do in the choir: sing baritone and choir president
when did you join the choir: October 2012
why did you join this choir: just gotta sing, man, just gotta sing!
favourite choir piece ever: Morte Criste
favourite other piece of music: Pearl Fishers Duet, Do Lord, Steal Away, Mansion of the Lord, any other a cappella piece
anything else: I got a phenomenal buzz from singing solo at Hamilton Town Hall recently, I was back on stage like I was 50 years before.