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Bygone Days   |   In Memoriam

Bygone Days

1935 to 1957 - Robert K Chalmers
1957 to 1958 - Robert Hunter
1958 to 1964 - Jack Hamilton
1964 to 1976 - John Laurie
1976 to 1987 - Murdoch Mclean
1987 to 2018 - J. Gordon Millar
2018 to 2021 - Hugh Grant
2021 to 2022 - Kristine Donnan
2023 to present - Ian Monteith-Mathie

1935 to 1958 - May Kirkland
1958 to 1964 - Barbara Mather
1964 to 1976 - Janette Laurie
1976 to 1977 - David Wilson
1977 to 2007 - Catherine Hamilton
2006 to 2015 - Pamela Black
2015 to 2023 - Lynsey Hamilton

R. Millar
J. Johnston
J. Leggate
W. Duncan
J. Hamilton
J. McCulloch
J. Leggate
M. Martin
J. Robison
D. Gemmell
A. Mackie
R. Hamilton
R. Ashe
D. Gemmell
R. Mitchell-Lay - present

J. Leggate
W. Whitelaw
J. McCulloch
J. Allan
J. Hamilton
C. Hamilton
W. Miller
W. Grainger 
A. Russell
W. Grainger
P. Ramsay
C. McKinkey - present

J. Johnston
W. Scott
G. Kirkwood
J. Cuthill
A. Mackie
D. Mitchell
D. Brown
S. Harkness - present
In Memoriam
David Brown

The Choir was saddened to learn of the death of David Brown, a long-time member and the Choir Treasurer for many years.
David had been seriously ill for many months and spent his last days in a hospice.
The Choir was well represented at the funeral service held in Kirkton Church.
The hymns were chosen by David, and the choir were only too happy to attend and sing Morte Criste.
The minister, the Rev Ian Cunningham in his eulogy surprised many by telling of David’s skill as a navigator in rally competitions, even at one time beside the famous Jimmy McRae!
David was a fine baritone both in Stonehouse Male Voice Choir and Kirkton Church choir.
He was a true gentleman and well respected by all. He will be missed.

Tom Dick
Tom Dick MA who died recently at the amazing age of 102 was a singer in the Bass Section of the choir. Tom loved to sing and was a choir member at Kirkton Church Carluke.
He was persuaded by Ray Ashe, Duncan Munro and David Brown to join us at Stonehouse. With Ken Mackie, David Bryden and Alistair Mackie, Tom was transported each week from Carluke to Stonehouse.
During this journey, Tom would remind us of his abiding interest i.e The Latin words left in Scotland after the Roman occupation e.g Gallus Latin for a cockerel but describing a Glasgow ne'er to well!
Tom's childhood was straight out of a Catherine Cookson novel. Although a dux at school his mother needed him to earn money for the house. She was separated from his father who was a former miner blinded in an accident and she worked as a dairymaid at a farm. With the assistance of the local headmaster and minister, Tom's mother was persuaded to let him attend Glasgow University.
He paid his way through university by being a Bus Conductor and also a Soap Boy in the local barbers (the soap boy lathered the clients before shaving).
He became a Classics Teacher in various schools before reaching Dalziel High School where he eventually became Rector.
A fine man and a great companion.
John Hamilton
Choir member John Hamilton sadly died on Sunday 30th August 2015. John was a very popular man in the choir and also the Jolly Bees where he was a solo singer as well as a very accomplished mouth organ player.
John was over 25 years in the choir and was responsible for opening the church and setting out the chairs every Tuesday for rehearsal.
John's solo career with the JBs was to sing Always Argyle and The Royal Mile. He also helped the new members if they were in the baritone section till they got to grips with the music.
Des Mitchell
Des Mitchell sadly passed away on 25th May 2011. Des sang in the bass section of the choir for the last 15 years and was actively involved in choir life as choir treasurer until recently.
The funeral was held in Rankin Parish Church in Strathaven where Des was an active member and was well attended by over 40 choir members, demonstrating the high regard with which Des was held. It was followed by a short service at the South Lanarkshire Crematorium before some returned to Strathaven Hotel for refreshments.

Jimmy Allan
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing this week-end of Jimmy Allan.
Jimmy was our 'stand-up' comedian and story teller and his solo slots at choir concerts were eagerly awaited by choir and audiences alike. Jimmy was presented with his 40 years Service Award in 2008 having recently retired from choir duties and it was a delight for us all to see him honoured in this way. Jimmy was one of the choir's real characters and we were never really sure what he was going to do, but he performed with great confidence and humour and we will all miss him greatly.

Bob Paterson
It is with much sadness that we report the passing of Bob Paterson Snr., a well liked and respected choir member over the years.
He was an excellent all round musician and a talented photographer and his skills in both areas will be a sad miss to us all and our thoughts at this time are with his close family and friends (his son Bobby is also a member of the choir).

Cathy Hamilton
It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of Cathy who died this morning, 4th June 2009.
Cathy was accompanist and a great servant to the choir for many long years and will be remembered fondly by members past and present who experienced her infectious enthusiasm for the choir over the years. She will be sadly missed and fondly remembered.

Fred Taylor
It was with great sadness that we learnt of the passing this week, Wednesday the 4th March 2009, of Fred Taylor, a long time member of the 1st Tenor Section of the choir.
Fred was in his 29th year as a faithful choir member having joined the choir in 1978 and he traveled to rehearsals each week from Chapelton. He will be fondly remembered and we pass on our deepest sympathy to his wife and family.