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Who's Who

John Reid

name: John Reid
year born: 1941
where do you live: Stonehouse
family: 4
occupation: I am now retired
hobbies: I enjoy walking, bird-watching, and reading
what do you do in the choir: I sing in the baritone section and I am the librarian, so I have to sort out all the music for our members
when did you join the choir: 2003
why did you join this choir: I had heard the choir in annual concert and thought it would be great to take part in in such uplifting events
favourite choir piece ever: must be Morte Criste
favourite other piece of music: Beethoven's Symphony No. 9
favourite choir story: the rehearsal at which Gordon's dad and Jack Leggate sat in for the first half and when they left Gordon commented 'it's a bit like the Muppet Show'