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Who's Who

Bill Grainger
name: Bill Grainger
age: 65
where do you live: Larkhall
family: 2 adult sons, 3 grandsons
occupation: retired
hobbies: golfing, gardening, singing, going to the theatre and cinema
what do you do in the choir: secretary, manage the CDs, organise the reproduction of annual concert programmes, produce posters for all concerts
when did you join the choir: 1992
why did you join this choir: John Cowan introduced me to the choir when we sang together in St. Machan's Parish Church choir
favourite choir piece ever: The first piece I ever heard the choir sing was Morte Criste, it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, it was also the first piece I can remember singing without using sheet music. When I sing this piece I feel the same way I did when I first heard it
favourite other piece of music: Bring Him Home
most memorable choir story: when we recorded 3 services at St. Ninian's for STV